
【中国文化 影响世界】 走进国际书画名家刘凤仙

来源:未知编辑:2019年10月09日 15:16:10

Chinese culture affects the world

Liu Fengxian, a famous international painter and calligrapher

铁骨丹心赋华彩 笔墨挥洒书天工

Tiegu Danxin Fuhua Painted Pen and Ink Writing Skills

书画,视觉审美之艺术,中国传统文化之精粹。凡聪明之士,才学之人,无不徜徉其间,摘其英华,佩其香萝。故其书画之妙,深不可测;能人辈出,指不胜屈;流派纷呈,美不胜收。一笔一纸一镜头,可演乾坤之大,可绎人心之微,包罗万象,博大精深,一个时代有一个时代的文艺,一个时代有一个时代的精神。推动文艺创新发展,最根本的是要创作出无愧我们这个伟大民族 、伟大时代的优秀作品 。真正的书画家既是优秀文化的继承者,又是发扬者、开拓者!今天我们以书画之美,展现我国著名书画家刘凤仙老师的创新作品!

Calligraphy and painting, the art of visual aesthetics, the essence of Chinese traditional culture. Every wise man and scholar wanders in the meantime, picking up his brilliance and wearing his perfume. Therefore, its painting and calligraphy are wonderful and unpredictable; there are many talented people who can not be surrendered; there are many schools and beautiful. One shot, one shot, and one shot can play a great role in the development of the universe. It can enrich people's minds, be comprehensive and extensive. To promote the innovation and development of literature and art, the most fundamental thing is to create excellent works worthy of our great nation and era. Real painters and calligraphers are not only inheritors of excellent culture, but also carriers and pioneers! Today, with the beauty of painting and calligraphy, we present the innovative works of our famous painter and calligrapher, Mr. Liu Fengxian.


Art Brief


Liu Fengxian, a famous calligraphy and painting artist in China. Born in 1942. Since childhood, he loved art. He had been a teacher for many years. He was instruct by master Huang Zhou. He studied painting theories and techniques for decades. He worked hard with flowers and birds, especially painting plum and longevity peach. His work was joyful, pleasant and refreshing. Because of the comprehensive development of poetry, books and paintings, it has the reputation of "Oriental Talented Girl".


Ms. Liu Fengxian, a member of the Chinese Academy of Party building and a retired cadre of the State Council Office for handling affairs, is the vice chairman of the world Chinese Artists Association; Honorary President of the Chinese Artists Association; Paris art Ambassador of France; vice president of China Folk Art Research Institute; director of Chinese painting and Calligraphy Association; Nanjing plum blossom Art Research Institute; twenty art organizations as consultants and honorary institutes. Long, executive vice president, vice president, researcher, director and other important duties, is an influential contemporary famous female painter.

她多次在国内外举办个人展览,数十次参加全国及国际性书画大展大赛,并屡获大奖,曾多次获金奖、银奖,二等奖,优秀奖、特别荣誉奖、特殊贡献奖、功勋奖,最佳创作奖等。联合国世界和平艺术大赛金奖,中韩两国联谊大笔会金奖,海峡两岸书画大赛金奖,为世界金奖艺术家。因成绩卓著,被授予"共和国艺术百杰""世界艺术家"称号。作品辑入《世界名人录》、《一代名家》、《二十世纪著名书画家》、《中国书画名家教授大辞典》、《共和国艺术宝鉴》《中国九大殿堂级艺术家》、《中国当代书画大家》《中国实力派画家》等二百余部画集与辞书。多家重大报纸,如人民日报海外版、光明日报、法制日报。大型画报:如《中国时代》、《中华英才》。杂志:如《华商》、《名流》及全国几十种地方报纸、刊物均多次刊登作品并发表评论文章。著有《刘凤仙书画艺术》、《刘凤仙画集》、《刘凤仙国画欣赏》、《刘凤仙诗百首》、《著名画家刘凤仙国画专辑》、《国画名家刘凤仙艺术画集》,(中国文化名家专题邮票)等。其作品深受国家领导人、企业界、艺术界、博物院、国内外朋友及广大书画爱好者的青睐 与收藏。

She has held many personal exhibitions at home and abroad, participated in dozens of national and international painting and calligraphy exhibition competitions, and won many awards. She has won many gold, silver, second-class awards, excellent awards, special honor awards, special contribution awards, merit awards, best creation awards, etc. The gold medal of the United Nations World Peace Art Contest, the gold medal of the Sino-Korean Friendship Association and the gold medal of the cross-strait painting and calligraphy contest are world gold medal artists. Because of his outstanding achievements, he has been awarded the title of "Republic Art Baijie" and "World Artist". The works are included in the book of names of the world, the famous scholars of the generation, the famous calligraphers and calligraphers in twentieth Century, the dictionary of Chinese Calligraphers and calligraphers, the treasures of the Republic, the nine artists of the palace, the Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy, the Chinese strength painters, and more than 200 collections and dictionaries. There are many major newspapers, such as People's Daily Overseas Edition, Guangming Daily and Legal Daily. Large pictorial: such as "China Times" and "Chinese talent". Magazines: For example, "Chinese Businessmen", "Celebrities" and dozens of local newspapers and magazines across the country have published works and published commentary articles on many occasions. It has "Liu Fengxian's calligraphy and painting art", "Liu Fengxian's collection of paintings", "appreciation of Liu Fengxian's traditional Chinese painting", "Liu Fengxian poem hundred first", "famous painter Liu Fengxian's traditional Chinese painting album", "Chinese painting artist Liu Fengxian art collection", (Chinese culture famous subject stamp) and so on. His works are favored and collected by national leaders, business circles, art circles, museums, friends at home and abroad and the vast number of calligraphy and painting enthusiasts.

刘凤仙笔下之梅花,气韵生动,墨法自然,凌霜傲雪,气势磅礴, 枝干清癯,苍劲嶙峋。寿桃,饱满圆润,枝繁叶茂,形神兼备,栩栩如生,独家创作,堪称一绝。她的这两类画作行笔豪放恣纵,用墨清新飘逸、潇洒淋漓,飘溢着冷冽的清香,蕴含着饱满的汁水,线条婀娜多姿,枝干凝重厚实,她的其他作品也颇见功力,正因为如此,常常被人们称为"女中豪杰"。

The plum blossoms written by Liu Fengxian are vivid and natural, and are full of cream and snow. Longevity peach, full and round, luxuriant and luxuriant, with both shape and spirit, lifelike, exclusive creation. Her two kinds of paintings are bold and unrestrained, and they are fresh and flowing with ink. They are permeated with cold fragrance, full of juicy water, graceful lines, thick and thick branches. Other works of her are also very useful. Because of this, they are often referred to as "female heroes".

刘凤仙创作,师古而不泥古,继承不照搬,而是紧紧抓住自然界动植 物与人们生活、思想情感的某种联系给与强化表现。着重神、魂、韵的点画与描写,注意美与善的观念表达。用“移生动质"传达花鸟的生命力与其各不相同的特性,强调其“夺造化而移精神遐想"的怡情作用。通过对花鸟画的创作来表达自己的志趣、情操与精神生活,表达内在的思想与追求,缘物寄情,托物言志。

Liu Fengxian's creation is based on the past but not on the past. Instead, he inherits and does not copy the past. Instead, he firmly grasps the connection between natural animals and plants and people's life, thoughts and emotions and strengthens the performance. Emphasis is placed on the stippling and description of spirit, soul and rhyme, and attention is paid to the expression of the concept of beauty and goodness. With "moving the living matter" to convey the vitality of flowers and birds and their different characteristics, it emphasizes the pleasant role of "capturing the creation and shifting the spiritual reverie". Through the creation of flower and bird paintings to express their interests, sentiments and spiritual life, express their inner thoughts and pursuits, attach love to things, express their aspirations through things.

墨是中国传统书画中的主要元素,浓、重、淡、清、焦,为运墨五色,墨与色的完美结合是每位画家孜孜以求的至高境界。但 行笔用墨是绘画艺术的皮肉,而笔中的劲力却是画中的风骨和气韵。刘风仙结合自己的审美情趣大胆创新,不断尝试,使作品中的形貌、骨法、质地、光暗及情态神韵逐步形成了自己的风格。气势磅礴而不失小巧细腻,刚劲老辣而不失自然清新,这正是她绘画作品的写照。

Ink is the main element in traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy. Dense, heavy, light, clear and char are the five colors of ink, and the perfect combination of ink and color is the highest realm pursued by every painter. But ink is the skin and flesh of painting art, while the strength of the pen is the style and charm of the painting. Liu Fengxian combines his aesthetic taste with bold innovation, and constantly tries to make the appearance, bone method, texture, light and darkness and modality in his works gradually form his own style. It is the portrayal of her paintings that the momentum is great without losing the small and exquisite, vigorous, hot and natural.


Liu Fengxian's creation is intended to convey his intention, bold and unrestrained, unrestrained and open. His artistic conception is profound without losing his tranquil freshness. His plum blossoms are gorgeous or rosy like snow or snow. Peach blossoms are tender or delicate and fragrant, and the fragrance appears as if they are leaping out of the surface of the paper. The profound connotation of the clan's ancient art.


Liu Fengxian's works, as a result of poetry into painting, calligraphy into painting, to learn into painting, in the creation of lyric expression and bone brush, line operation can be closely combined, the outside teachers, the source of inspiration, formed a remarkable artistic characteristics.


Poems and postscripts in paintings often represent the voice of the masters of the works. A good poem can show the author's connotation and learning. A good poem can also serve as a finishing touch. In Liu Fengxian's works, the layout of poems and sentences is ingenious, with the mind of heaven and earth. In the composition, the main body is highlighted, and the imaginary and real contrast and expectation echoes in the layout are emphasized. The poems and sentences with picturesque meanings are written in appropriate positions with the calligraphy coordinated with the painting style, supplemented by seals, and become a comprehensive painting and calligraphy work with painting as the main part, leaving the space sparse, dense, gathered and dispersed. The tender and flexible of the birds and leaves, the hairy and harsh texture of the old stem, all shows the brilliant work of his work.


The following are Mr. Liu's works of art.

搜狐网友:泡沫 forever/

网易网友:▲ 难分 2amor〃

评论:有一个胖子,从二十楼顶往下跳。结果变成了… 死胖子!!

天猫网友:㎜  旧梦失词


淘宝网友:Haggard. 憔悴

其它网友:念成疾 crize



百度网友: ≈   波点
评论:唐僧骑的是神马 , 悟空腾的是浮云 , 八戒爱的是小月月 , 沙僧装的是犀利哥 。


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